logodynamip.jpg (2633 bytes) Setup WEBchat

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Setup Examples
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Year 2000 / Y2K




Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Email
Setup Uploader
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

Active Check this box if you want to enable WEBchat.
WEBchat Form Place holder for WEBchat form; this can be any string you like (the default value is <!--WEBchat-->). This entry must obviously agree with the appropriate text string in your template. You can also specify the number of rows and columns of the text field in the WEBchat form in the appropriate fields rows and cols.

The strings for WEBchat Form, Name, e-mail, and Reply must not be identical if you don't want to end up with a total mess being posted…
Name Place holder for your name (WEBchat uses the same name entry as IPchat)*. The default value is <!--WEBchatName-->.

The strings for WEBchat Form, Name, e-mail, and Reply must not be identical if you don't want to end up with a total mess being posted…
e-mail Place holder for your e-mail address (WEBchat uses the same e-mail entry as IPchat)*. The default value is WEBchatMail.

The strings for WEBchat Form, Name, e-mail, and Reply must not be identical if you don't want to end up with a total mess being posted…
Reply Place holder for the reply box. The default value is <!--WEBchatReply-->.

The strings for WEBchat Form, Name, e-mail, and Reply must not be identical if you don't want to end up with a total mess being posted…
WEBchat Template You can optionally define a template that DynamIP will use as your WEBchat reply page (if you don't define a template DynamIP generates a simple standard reply page).

Important: Because the DynamIP WEBchat reply page is not served from the standard HTTP port (usually port 80) relative links on your page will not work properly. You must either define all links as absolute links (i.e. they must start with http:// ...) or not use any links at all. For the same reason you will also have to define all images, sounds, etc. with absolute references.
Submit Button Text DynamIP places this text to the right of the button "Submit" in the WEBchat form . The default value is

(or send e-mail to <a href="mailto:WEBchatMail"><b>WEBchatMail</b></a>),

but just about anything goes. DynamIP will automatically replace the substring WEBchatMail with your e-mail address. As my e-mail address is "DynamIP@bigfoot.com" the text to the right of the submit button will look as follows:

(or send e-mail to

If you click on the button "Default Settings" DynamIP will reset all the entries to their default values which are guaranteed to work with the sample WEBchat template.

* While I personally think that it is rude not to disclose your true identity I'm also aware of the fact that doing so might expose you to unwanted harrassment. Use your own judgement as to how much information you want to disclose and what data you want to keep private.


Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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